Student's Careers
Our Alumni MEDfOR students, often found a job within a year after graduation. Roughly one third of the students have decided to pursue a PhD after graduation or stay in academia doing research. Half of the students have gone back to their home countries, some to their old posts – such as lecturer at Universities - while others had landed new jobs, in private entities, public administration, etc. Several students have launched an international carrier in international organizations or as consultants. Some students, stayed on the universities were they graduated – doing research or PhDs; while others found internships and job with the associated partners.
Student's Careers - 1st Edition

Sustainable Investments manager at ETIFOR (Management Consulting ), Italy. 23/11/2018

Experte Administrative et financière at German Development Cooperation (GIZ).

Currently aTechnical Officer (Cross-theme, Climate) at CDP - London. 2019

Working as an Agronomist in a Farm "Aromas da Quinta". Montijo, Portugal. 15/07/2019

"Forest Engineering in a public environmental company ( VAERSA ) in Valencia, Spain." 15/07/2019

Garden Manager at Hiddenbay Teos, Izmir, Turkey. İzmir, Turkey. 2019.
Landscape Architect at LADİN İNŞAAT PROJE AŞ. 2015.İzmir, Turkey. 2015

"After completing the Masters I continued working for The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Bioversity International as a consultant. However, in June 2015 I joined the international third party organization Bureau Veritas as a Social and Environmental Auditor in Madrid, Spain. In this regard, I perform audits assessing companies against local legislation and certain standards such as Social Accountability (SA), SMETA-SEDEX or client specific requirements as well as Health and Safety (OHSAS) and environmental standards." 29/11/2015

Research Assistant at University of Helsinki, Finland from June 2016 to June 2017.

"I am now a PhD researcher, in the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies Program, which is a joint initiative between the University of Lisbon, the Technical University of Lisbon and New University of Lisbon." 28/10/2015

FSC Forest Management technical advisor, Italy. 2019.

Environmental scientist and consultant in "Green Business" and Social Responsibility, Macedonia. 2019.

Manager - Research and Knowledge Management at Disaster Management Watch (DM.WATCH). Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2019.
PhD student on Crop Science - University of Padua, Italy. 2015

PhD student at Suranarre University of Technology, Thailand. 2019

"I am working as an Independent consultant in Baltic States and Russian Federation ."

Management and System Support at The Swedish Forest Society Foundation – Gothenburg, Sweden.

Doing a PhD in Plant Sciences at University of Cambridge, UK. 2019

PHD Candidate at University of Canterbury, New Zealand. 2019.

12/11/2015. PhD student in Forest Ecology at University of Padova, Italy.

"PhD student, currently on my 2nd year, on Carbon cycle and Biodiversity in Mediterranean Oak forest at University of Marseille in France." 08/01/2016.

GIS Analyst, Cartographer, Forester, Asset Management Specialist Baltimore, Maryland Area, USA

PHD Student at University of Saskatchewan, Canada. 2016.
Student's Careers - 2nd Edition

Project Coordinator at EDAM, Tunisia. It is an agricultural project concerned in local development, which is a partnership between US and Tunisian Organizations. 2019.

Working in the Institute for Research in Sustainable Forest Management (iuFOR) ( en Palencia, focus on silviculture and adaptive management. 21/03/2019

Working as a forest Engineer at Gestiverde - Gestão Rural Lda. Consultancy company at Abrantes, Portugal.

Geographer specializing in GIS and Graduate Teaching Assistant at Social Science Instructional Labs - University of Oregon - Eugene, Oregon, USA. 2018.

Chief desk on environment control at the National agency of mines activity in Algeria and member in AIFM- MARSEILLE. 23/11/2018,

Doing a Phd in Morocco, about sacred forests and landscape dynamics.

"Working at Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. in Japan." 19/11/2015

Working outside of the field as a customer service representative in Brno (Czech Republic). 2017.

Research Fellow at The Navigator Company - RAIZ. Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e do Papel Lisbon Area, Portugal. 25/01/2019

Senior Program Officer at World Vision an ONG on International Development. Bangladesh. 2019.

"I have been awarded a PhD position at Forestry research center (CREA-SEL) in Italy which in collaboration with University of Tuscia,Italy." 28/06/2015
Researcher at Centro di Ricerca Viticoltura ed Enologia, in Italy. 2018.

IPC Country Capacity Support Officer at FAO global headquarters in Rome, Italy. January 2019.

Tunnel Supervisor at Syngenta, Faro, Portugal. November 2018.

SharePoint Developer at National Institute of Health (NIH), Washington, District Of Columbia, USA. 2019.
Student's Careers - 3rd Edition

Director of Forest Management Department and Coordinator for Research and Foreign Relations in Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (KKL-JNF). January 2018.

PhD in the doctoral program of Climate Change and Sustainable Devlopment POicies under the University of Lisbon since 2016. November 2018.

PhD student, researcher na empresa Universitat de U Lleida, Spain

Scientific research fellow - IPCN Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.

PHD Student at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Forest Governance and Economics Consultant at FAO
Rome, Lazio, Italy

Lecturer at Adigrat University, Ethiopia-
Student's Careers - 4th Edition

I am a PhD student at the University of Washington, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. I work on integrating climate change into forest management planning. This is my second year of PhD. I owe this amazing opportunity directly to MEDfOR. As a reminder, I met my current PhD advisor through MEDfOR. He was invited as a guest lecturer.

Project Assistant at IUCN Bangladesh- International Union for Conservation of Nature

I am working with GIZ Jordan, in the Environment portfolio. Our project is called "Improvement of Green Infrastructure in Jordan through Labour-intensive Measures (Cash for Work)". We work on rehabilitation of green public spaces through employing Syrian refugees and Jordanians as well. =)

PhD at School of Agriculture - University of Lisbon - SUSFOR - Sustainable Forests and Products

Communications and Programs Manager - WeCreate Pakistan

Working at CAREC (Central Asian Regional Environmental Centre) based in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Blue Peace Central Asia Youth Pillar (initiated by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency) as a Regional Network Coordinator of the CAY4WATER (Central Asian Youth 4 Water)

Project Managent of Gardening at a private Company - Ferrovial, Spain

Ph.D. student in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies (PDACPDS) in University of Lisbon and New University of Lisbon (Portugal).

PhD at School of Agriculture - University of Lisbon - SUSFOR - Sustainable Forests and Products

I am working now in a landscape architecture company in China called Orient Landscape as a planner. I
Student's Careers - 5th Edition

August 2019. Working at IUCN as a "Project Assistant" in Biodiversity conflict mitigation around the refugee camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.

July 2019. Consultant at IUCN, Bangladesh.
December 2020. "
am glad to share with you that recently I have started my employment with Bangladesh Forest Department under the Sustainable Forests and Livelihoods (SUFAL) Project as Consultant. This new position will allow me to focus on collaborative forest management.
Below find the details of the Project for your kind information:
This project aims to improve collaborative forest management and increase benefits for forest dependent communities in targeted sites. The project will be implemented in selected sites in 147 upazilas/sub‐districts of 28 districts. These areas include most natural forests and PAs.
The Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MOEFCC) is the nodal ministry of this project. All the components of this project will be implemented by Bangladesh Forest Department. Major activities included restoring degraded and denuded forest ecosystems, increasing tree coverage by strengthening forest department and collaborative forest management practices and reducing pressure on forest resources by supporting innovative and alternative income generating activities to forest dependent community."

April 2020.
"I am working at Nepal Rural and Advancement pvt Ltd as a forestry expert. The organisation mainly works for carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Initial Environment Examination (IEE) of the government's development activities/projects that is being carried out in different parts of Nepal. "

Lecturer at Adigrat University, Tigrai, Ethiopia

April 2020. "PhD Reseacrher at University of Valladolid, Spain"

Researcher at Slovenian Forestry Institute

Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Biology and Psychology, University of Göttingen, Germany.
Research Associate, DynaCom (DFG_public research unit), Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology at the University of Göttingen, Germany.
Research area: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Biology of invertebrates (combining community phylogenetics and the evolutionary history of traits to infer community assembly processes of highly bio-diverse animal communities)

PhD student at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Working in a PhD Project in Forest Phytophthora embedded in Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network PROTECTA (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017-766048), at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Center in Alnarp.

Research Assistant at INIAV, IP - Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Portugal
May 2019. PhD student at University of Alberta, Canada.

Forest Engineer in the Department of Forestry in Latakia.
In April 2022, I received a PhD scholarship from Hildesheim University in Germany, and I am now working as a PhD student in a junior research group focusing on ecosystem and landscape services of traditional cultural landscapes in Europe.

Lecturer at Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Student's Careers - 6th Edition

April 2020. "Researcher at Uva"
September 2020. Started his PhD at the University of Valladolid working under the supervision of prof. Felipe and Dr. Miren from INIA in Madrid..

1st October 2020. Started his ndustrial doctorate on "Biological control of Diplodia Corticola in Catalonia region" at the University of Lleida.

Since April 2020, working in an International NGO.

September 2019. "Assistant Professor at the department of Forestry and Environmental Science in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh"

"Working at TUAF Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry as officer : In September 2020 he started his PhD at the University of Valladolid."

Since December 2020, he is working as an Operations Director for a company called AgroEco Farm Solutions Ltd, in Ghana.

Since May 2020 he waa Researcher position at U of Tuscia. Since December 2020 he is pursuing a doctoral programme in Italy at the Università degli studi della Tuscia in the DIBAF department, Lazio His tutor is Prof. Riccardo Valentini from DIBAF and Dr. Damino Gianelle from FEM. The general thematic area is forest ecology and environmental technologies: technological innovation for forest management, where he will focus on IoT applications for forest monitoring and management.

April 2020. "Researcher at CTFC, Spain."
Spetember 2020: "Working in the European Wilderness Society. It is based in Austria but we do European-level projects. It is a conservation NGO that focuses on the conservation of Wilderness areas in Europe, environmental education, and diminishing human-wildlife conflicts. Also, we are specializing in communication and marketing in the projects that we are partners in. My role is very diverse, but I basically assist in communication and marketing activities of the different projects, including science communication, press outreach, event management, and general project coordination. I will probably be responsible for the coordination of project(s) in the future."

Julien did an internship at INRA after finishing the programme. More information here.
Julien worked as Scientific Advisor at Wild Chimpanzee Foundation from July to October 2022.

August 2019. "Doing an Internship at FAO, Italy"

Since May 2020, he is working in the Sub divisional Forest Officer kundian south forest: one of the largest man made irrigated plantation in Pakistan.

December 2019. Starting a PhD in Free University of Bolzano
16 June 2020. "Currently, I am a PhD fellow at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bolzano, Italy ( Our research group focus is on ‘Ecology, Environment and Protection of Mountain Areas’, while my PhD research project focused on forest ecology. The topic I am working is titled ‘HOW DOES FOREST STRUCTURE AND CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECT INTRINSIC WATER-USE EFFICIENCY AND GROWTH POTENTIAL OF SCOT PINE (PINUS SYLVESTRIS L.) TREES ALONG CLIMATE ZONE GRADIENT’. The project takes part under the framework of a ‘Horizon 2020 European research project’ titled ‘Carbon smart forestry under climate change (CARE4C)’.
With the emphasis on the following research questions
- Does the tree’s intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) physiological response show differences based on the forest structures (species composition and density)? Are these differences more noticeable during the critical drought period?
- Does the seasonal climatic signals that control tree-ring δ13C and the corresponding WUEi show difference along the climate zone gradient?
- Do the nature of WUEi and radial growth relationship show significant differences among forest type and along climate zone gradient?
I am working on this topic under the supervision of professor Tonon Giustino and the dynamic multidisciplinary research team in his laboratory."