First MEDfOR University: University of Lleida
Second MEDfOR University: University of Padova
Third MEDfOR University: University of Padova
“First of all, thanks to Erasmus Mundus program for the MEDFOR program. It introduced me to a completely new type of ecosystem. I have been able to learn about the adaptive management system of a water stressed region with MEDFOR. It has taught me also about the basic strategies to tackle with fire; one of the most severe problems for the Mediterranean region. Moreover, I have gained knowledge about advanced forest management strategies by with the program. I am doing my PhD in University of Lisbon. My thesis focuses on the projection of sea level rise in Bangladesh until 2100." November 2018.
PhD in the doctoral program of Climate Change and Sustainable Devlopment POicies under the University of Lisbon since 2016. November 2018.