Semester Course: 3rd 
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites: Forest Biology (6 ECTS) and Forest Inventory (6 ECTS) or override permit by the lecturer
Lecturers: Domingo M. Molina
Web Site:

  1. Objectives:
    That those attending the course could be able to:

    • Plan and execute sound (successful) prescribed burns.
    • Organize both logistic and workers’ safety issues needed in prescribed burns
    • Carry out prescribed burns under different fuel model structures
    • Use the fire torch as a fire surgery element, being able to direct the fire line spread as necessary to fulfill the objectives.
  2. Programme topics:
    1. Introduction to Fire Ecology and Prescribed Burning (PB).
    2. Fire Ignition Patterns.
    3. Widening a fire-line by means of burning. .
    4. PB practice in rangelands.
    5. PB practice on Fuel Model 9 (Pine stand) burning. Different sites
    6. PB practice on Fuel Model 11 (Slash in pine stand) burning.
    7. PB practice on Fuel Model 7. Learning How to Control Flame Length (Fire Surgery).
    8. Seminars.
  3. Assessment:
    Course requirements include the presentation of a class summary (10%), a class project (20%), grading in field accomplishment (20%) and a final exam (50%).