Methods and approaches of social research in environmental management
Semester Course: 2nd
Credits: 2 ECTS
Prerequisites: None
Lecturers: Gloria Dominguez
Web Site: Under construction
- Objectives:
- To know basic elements and methods of social research in management.
- To understand the importance of the inclusion of elements of social research in the decision making process.
- To gain familiarity with main approaches and some techniques currently being used in research, specially in qualitative methods.
- To gain a deeper understanding of ethical and quality issues in relation to social research.
- To gain familiarity with the process of designing a social research project.
- Programme topics:
- Introduction to social research: paradigms and approaches
- Planning a research
- Data gathering. Main techniques: Interviews, surveys and group dynamics
- Data analysis
- Assessing the quality of the research
- Assessment:
Course requirements include the presentation of a class summary (10%), individual assignments (50%) and a group project (40%).