Institution: University of Lleida with the cooperation of Polytechnic University of Madrid and Polytechnic University of Valencia
Semester Course: 1st 
Credits: 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: GIS, General ecology
Lecturers: C. Vega (UdL), S. Saura (UPM) and F. Galiana and M. Vallés (UPV)
Web Site:

  1. Objectives:
    To analyze ecological and cultural landscape shaping factors in the Mediterranean. To acquire hands-on experience in the evaluation of landscape structure and change. To be able to apply relevant quantitative tools that allow incorporating landscape ecological objectives in forest planning.
  2. Programme topics:
    1. Landscape definition. Spacing and Perception. Structure: patch, matrix, corridor. Classification principles. Models and theories in LE.
    2. Processes: Disturbance. Fragmentation. Connectivity.
    3. Heterogeneity and biological diversity. Space, time and function.
    4. Landscape pattern. Quantitative methods in LE (metrics).
    5. Scale of patterns and processes.
    6. Landscape dynamics. 7. Landscape evaluation methods. Public participation.
    8. Landscape management and conservation: quantitative tools for decision-making support.
    9. Landscape design.
  3. Assessment:
    Course requirements include computer labs, a paper on landscape dynamics and conservation priorities in a Mediterranean area (70%), and a final exam (30%).