Ricardo Beck
BR Brazil
8th Edition - 2019/2021
Samuel Olaolu Adeleye
NG Nigeria
8th Edition - 2019/2021
Segun Michael Adeyemo
NG Nigeria
8th Edition - 2019/2021
Simon Hrbek
CZ Czech Republic
8th Edition - 2019/2021

"After finishing my MEDfOR journey at the universities of Padua, Italy and Valladolid, Spain, I enjoyed a bit of free time by exploring a piece of Mexico and then back at home with my family and friends. In the meantime, I applied for a job at the European Forest Institute and for PhD at CTFC + University of Lleida, both of it in Spain. At the end, in May 2022 I am starting a new exciting journey of a PhD student in the Catalonian region in north-east Spain where I will study the contribution of the Wild Forest Products to the rural development in Spain, which I am really excited about. I am always open to get in touch with the current or potential future MEDfOR students as this programme was a great deal to me personally, so don't hesitate to reach out to me at hrbek.s@seznam.cz!" (28/04/2022)

Usman Khan
PK Pakistan
8th Edition - 2019/2021

"My Personal observation MEDfOR was a key to new beginnings, new experiences, and knowledge that I believe made me more conscious and environmentally aware. Now I am glad to have the MEDfOR Family. "

Viktoriya Slobodchikova
RU Russian Federation
8th Edition - 2019/2021
Alex Onatunji
NG Nigeria
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Angelo Di Perna
IT Italy
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Bojan Mihajlovski
MK Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Esko Merontausta
FI Finland
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Juliette D'Amelio
FR France
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Mathieu Desselas
FR France
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Michele Petrillo
IT Italy
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Mustafa Sert
TR Turkey
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Peter Ako
CM Cameroon
9th Edition: 2020/2022
Sezin Kete
TR Turkey
9th Edition: 2020/2022
