Semester Course:  3rd 
Credits: 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Forest Biology (6 ECTS) and Forest Inventory (6 ECTS) or override permit by the lecturer
Lecturers: Domingo M. Molina
Web Site:

  1. Objectives:
    That those attending the course could be able to:

    • gain an in-depth understanding of fire ecology and management (in different wildland systems)
    • gain a sound understanding the ecological, social and economic and other factors.
    • understand the ecological effects of fires on plants, animals, soil, water and wildlife habitat,
    • learn how to typify and forecast fire effects over time and space.
    • focus on current issues related to fire ecology, including restoration, fuels management, fire management policy, and climate change.
  2. Programme topics:
    1. Understanding fire as a physical process
    2. Understanding fire as an ecological process.
    3. Monitoring and interpreting fire effects on plants and other natural resources
    4. Using BehavePlus.
    5. Using Farsite and FlamMap
    6. Understanding the Widland Urban Interface problem.
    7. Writing short sound documents on management issues based upon the fire literature.
  3. Assessment:
    Course requirements include the presentation of a class summary (10%), a class project (20%), second class project (20%) and a final exam (50%).