Semester Course: 2nd 
Credits: 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Soil Science Lecturers: Rosa M Poch and Josep Carles Balasch
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  1. Objectives:
    • Knowing the components of the hydrological cycle in the forest environment, remarking the role of the vegetation as a regulatory factor in the movement of the water in the ground and the production of surface and subsurface runoff.
    • Estimating the frequency of hydrological events in terms of likelihood extremes.
    • Calculating the maximum hydrological response from a basin during extraordinary events to design works of correction and restoration of rivers and torrents.
    • Identifying and evaluating the symptoms of the different forms of soil erosion and land degradationand to formulate hypotheses about their causes.
    • Quantifying the potential soil losses applying empirical models.
    • Selecting and designing forms of management of the vegetation and soil directed to prevent, mitigate or correct the effects of the erosion that ensure a sustainable land use.
    • Writing up works and reports in relation to the problems of the surface water dynamics and of the erosive processes
  2. Programme topics:
    1. The hydrologic cycle
    2. Surface hydrology
    3. Subsurface hydrology
    4. Erosion processes
    5. Soil conservation measures
    6. Design of terraces and waterways
  3. Assessment:
    Course requirements include the presentation of exercises (20%), a project (20%) and a final exam (60%).