Semester Course: 3rd 
Credits: 6 ECTS
Lecturers: Dr. José Reque and Dr. Pablo Martín-Pinto
  1. Objectives:
    Silviculture under multifunctional objectives is an advanced course in silvicultural concepts and practices focused on Mediterranean forests. We emphasize on a quantitative approach to the forest assessing the appropriateness of the process and results. The course will concentrate on fundamental bioecological cientific principles as general basis for the implementation for the management of forest ecosystem with special emphasis on silvicultural systems. The course also focuses on forest risks (with a main attendance to forest fires) and on non woody products.
  2. Programme topics:
    1. Assess and make a silvicultural qualitative diagnostic of the forest ecosystem a. With a special emphasis on the stand level
    2. Understand the impacts and effects of the different silvicultural systems, as a combination set of tools, on the different parts of the forest ecosystem
    3. Design silvicultural treatments to attain specific objectives in the context of ecosystem management a. With special emphasis on:
      1. Non woody productions
      2. Wildlife
      3. Water
      4. Risk prevention
  3. Assessment:
    Course requirements include oral presentation (40%) and a final exam (60%).