Learning by doing in forestry: New tools for new challenges
Semester Course: 3rd
Credits: 6 ECTS
Lecturers: Dr. Felipe Bravo, Dr. Miren del Río, Dr. Andrés Bravo-Oviedo and Dr. Ricardo Ruiz-Peinado
Course webpage: https://campusvirtual.uva.es/
- Objectives:
Students will be able to design, manage and apply techniques on:
(i) Adaptive Management
(ii) Forest Management under global change
(iii) silvicultural path design
(iv) quantitative silviculture
(v) monitoring, experimentation and data analysis - Programme topics:
- Adaptive Management
- Global change: impact on forest and forestry. Mitigation and adaptation
- Quantitative silviculture and Forest modeling.
- Silvicultural path design.
- Monitoring, experimentation and data analysis
- Assessment:
Course requirements include active participation (10%), the presentation of a class summary (10%), a class project (30%) and a final exam (50%)