Semester Course: 3rd
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Lecturer: Nuno Ornelas Martins, Alexandra Leitão and Ricardo Ribeiro

  1. Objectives:
    To train students with the appropriate economic concepts to analyze the issues of sustainable development in their economic, environmental, social, political and ethical components
  2. Programme topics:
    1. The issue of sustainability in the History of Economic Thought
    2. Theories of Economic Growth: Keynesian, neo-classical, endogenous growth and evolutionistic
    3. Innovation and sustainable development: taxonomy of innovations; linear versus systemic approaches; innovation policies
    4. Income distribution, poverty, social exclusion and human development
    5. Sustainable use of environment and natural resources: economic approach; international processes promoting the sustainable use of natural resources
    6. Spatial disparities: economic explanatory models; territorial development and regional policies
    7. The organizational and institutional dimensions of sustainability: political, participatory and private voluntary action mechanisms towards sustainable development
    8. Policy integration and coordination mechanisms towards sustainable development
    9. Corporate Social Responsibility: an economic approach
    10. Role of social ethics and moral values in sustainable development
  3. Assessment:
    Course requirements include two alternative options: an essay (30%) + final exam (70%) or a final exam only (100%)