Semester Course: 3rd
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Lecturer: Américo M. S. Carvalho Mendes


  1. Objectives:
    To train students in economics and management concepts adequate to understand the specific structural and dynamic features of non-profit organizations
  2. Programme topics:
    1. Types of problems leading to the emergence of non-profit organizations
    2. The economic nature of non-profit organizations’ outputs
    3. Asymmetric information problems in the management of non-profit organizations
    4. An economic model of the emergence and dynamics of non-profit organizations
    5. An economic model of the membership decisions to non-profit organizations with applications to forest owners’ organizations
    6. Sustainability of non-profit organizations
    7. Evaluation of the impacts of voluntary contributions to non-profit organizations: the London Benchmarking Group model
    8. Quality management standards (ISO norms and others)
    9. The economics of quality standards and certification 3. Assessment: Course requirements include two alternative options: final exam (70%) + essay (30%) or final exam only (100%).