Forest tree cropping
Institution: University of Tuscia
MEDfOR 48-ECTS Graduate-level sub-programme
MEDfOR 30-ECTS specialization sub-programme [ X ]
Semester Course: 1st [ ] 2nd [ ] 3rd [ x ]
Credits: 6 ECTS
Prerequisites: -
Lecturers: Prof. Maurizio Sabatti
Web Site:
- Objectives
Teaching activities will be oriented to provide basic elements and methods of forest tree cropping and to gain familiarity with the techniques and technologies currently being used. The context of forestry and agroforestry plantations under the Mediterranean environment will be also emphasized.
- Programme topics
Class and lab activities lectures will be focused on the following groups of topics/abilities:- Forest Tree Plantations in the World and in Europe.
- Assessment of plantations for wood production and features of the planting site.
- Planting systems and practices adopted for forest tree plantations.
- Silvics and tree plantation management of the following species: Hardwoods: Quercus suber, Castanea sativa, Juglans spp., Prunus avium, Populus spp., Eucalyptus spp., Robinia pseudoacacia, minor species. Conifers: Pinus halepensis ,Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster Pinus radiata, Cedrus spp, minor species.
- Short Rotation Forestry
- SRF.
- Agroforestry.
- Role of forest plantation in the preservation and improvement of the environment: biodiversity and landscape, riparian plantations, woodland buffer strips, carbon sequestration, phytoremediation.
- Assessment
The assessment of the knowledge acquired is achieved through the following three steps: Mid term exam with resolution of questions and exercises (40%); PowerPoint pitch on a given topic (scientific papers and/or book chapters) (20%); final oral exam (40%). Mid term exam, PowerPoint pitch and the final oral examination will be held at fixed dates communicated to the students or published well in advance on the course website.
Evaluation criteria: knowledge of course contents; ability to integrate and critically discuss course contents; level of clarity in exposition and proper use of technical terminology