Amir Hossein Khalili Pir 2023. "Exploring the value of ecosystem services associated with forest genetic resources in Europe: a preliminary assessment with a focus on the Mediterranean region". Master Thesis. The University of Padova.

Supervisors: Dr. Mauro Masiero (University of Padova)


Forests are essential ecosystems that provide a wide range of ecosystem services, with Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) at their core. These genetic materials, found within and among tree and woody plant species, possess economic, environmental, scientific, and societal value. Nonetheless, their recognition in national policies and strategies often remains inadequate. This thesis delves into the intricate relationship between FGR and ecosystem services, particularly in the context of Italy. Our primary objective in this study was to explore the significance of ecosystem services associated with FGR in Italy, considering both the current situation and a future scenario where Italy will be affected by the impacts of climate change. To achieve this, we chose the Delphi method, a structured communication technique used to gather expert opinions and reach consensus on complex issues. Using the Delphi method, we designed a two-round survey and invited experts in the field of ecosystem services in Italy to participate in our study and provide us with their insights and expertise on the topic. The survey results underscored the importance of regulating ecosystem services, such as habitats for plants and animals, natural hazard protection, and carbon storage. Additionally, they revealed an anticipated shift in the importance of these services due to climate change. Furthermore, an analysis of participants' backgrounds emphasizes the significance of involving experts from diverse fields in decision-making processes. In conclusion, by recognizing the value and importance of FGR and the associated ecosystem services, informed decisions can be made in forest management and conservation, especially in the context of climate change.

Edition: 10th Edition - 2021/2023
University: University of Padova, Italy
Section: Thesis
Author: Amir Hossein Khalili Pir (2023)
Order: 1